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A 36 sector open source version of IGEM, a general equilibrium model of the US economy.

Project Overview

OpenIGEM NAICS36 is an open-source implementation of the IGEM-NAICS general equilibrium model of the US economy. The project is described in detail in its Technical Work Plan. The sections below provide additional information on the economic design of the IGEM-NAICS model and the open source implementation of it, NAICS36. All of the files on this site, including data, code and documentation, are works in progress and will be revised as the project evolves.

Design of IGEM-NAICS

IGEM-NAICS itself is an updated version of the IGEM model described in Double Dividend: Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the United States by Jorgenson, Goettle, Ho and Wilcoxen (MIT Press, 2013). The files below are intended to accompany the book by describing the principal areas where IGEM-NAICS differs from the earlier model.

NAICS36 Implementation

Implementation of a beta version NAICS36 is about 95% complete. The code and data currently available can be found on GitHub at the repository listed below. Links are also provided for Sym, the language used for coding the model, and GEMPACK, a software suite that will be used for solving it. Two brief progress reports on the project are listed as well, one each from September 2018 and 2019.